Men and Women

Grace Connection Women’s Ministry provides biblical foundations and settings for women in the church to grow through small groups, individual engagement and training to know Jesus, to seek His kingdom and be spiritually transformed and equipped for service.
Our Women Ministry ministers to women on an individual basis. And we pray that our Bible studies and events will be tools used by God to change your life, which will inevitably affect those around you, changing lives–one woman at a time.
Grace Connection Men’s Ministries is dedicated to helping the local church reach more men and boys. Our focus is not male dominance but rather a male resurgence within the church. Our visions is: (i) Relational – one life impacting another (Matt. 4:19) (ii) Transformational – comprehensive life change (Rom. 12:2) (iii) Missional – Great Commission is not optional (Matt. 28:19-20) and (iv) Generational – every man is a spiritual parent (2 Timothy 2:2)