What We Believe


We are God’s creation, made in His image to show His glory. Because of sin, our relationship with God is broken and we fail to reflect His glory.

There is nothing we can do to restore the broken relationship between us and God. Because of our religious upbringing, we might feel like we can earn a good standing with God through good works, but God’s Word says otherwise.

God is a just Judge and therefore must punish sinners. God, in His mercy, provides a way to restore the broken relationship between us sinners and Him. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live on earth as a man, perfectly obedient to His will, even unto death on a cross. Because of Christ’s perfect life and His death on our behalf, we have salvation from God’s wrath and are spared from His just punishment.

By God’s sovereign grace, all who receive Christ by faith are saved. By grace through faith, we are declared guiltless before God and we can enjoy fellowship with Him. The Lord calls sinners like you and me, those who are spiritually hungry and thirsty, to come to Him.

God saves us to serve Him and bear fruit for His glory.


Why We Exist?

Grace Connection Church exists to share the Gospel of Jesus by loving and leading our neighbors to connect and grow in the love of Christ.


Connect & Grow


Engage our communities and beyond in the Great Commission by:

  1. Being a multisite and multicultural church that will
    1. Unequivocally teach and preach the Gospel
    2. Continuously call unbelievers to true repentance
    3. Encourage believers to stay connected in the Word so that they may continue to grow
    4. Mobilize God’s people to embrace missional activities both within our communities and abroad.
  2. Equipping and developing kingdom-minded leaders to plant reproducing churches with the mission of furthering the Great Commission
  3. Partnering with churches and denominations with similar vision to proclaim the Gospel to people of all color, creeds, and culture.


How do We do it?

As a multisite church, Grace Connection adopts a simple and practical leadership structure designed to promote the Gospel instead of church leaders.